About Scott Mahan

  • Website: http://techgeekblog.com
  • Email: email
  • Biography: I'm a telecommunication professional, husband, and father of 2 girls. I am into all things tech: smartphones, gaming, podcasts. So far, this blog is a labor of love but I hope to turn tech blogging and podcasting into a part-time and eventually full-time career.

Posts by Scott Mahan:


Wanna Play?

Posted by Scott Mahan on April 24, 2018 in Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U, Video Games |

If you have a Nintendo Switch, Wii U, and/or a 3DS/2DS, here are my friend codes:


Wii U/NNID: Raskull13

3DS Friend Code: 3583 – 0737 – 5990


Just got the site back online

Posted by Scott Mahan on April 24, 2018 in Blog News |

Wow! I came to my 2 WordPress blogs to clean them up and start updating again only to get “Internal Server 500” errors on both of them. After 3 hours of trying to troubleshoot them myself, I called my hosting provider, GoDaddy, for some help. It seems that the problems were related to GoDaddy transitioning […]


Project Manager, IT manager and Consultant. 25+ years experience. Looking for a position in the US or UK.

Posted by Scott Mahan on April 24, 2018 in General |

My name is Scott Mahan. I am currently seeking a challenging position as a project manager in a developing organization where I can utilize my skills and expertise to successfully manage complex projects and deliver expected results. A little bit about me: Project Manager specializing in Internetworking, IT, Database Management and Telecommunications. Employers include BBN […]


R.I.P. Steve Jobs – October 5, 2011

Posted by Scott Mahan on October 5, 2011 in News, Technology |

The technology sector and many Apple enthusiasts are in mourning today as Apple announced the passing of co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs. There’s not much more I can say. Apple has changed their homepage to a memorial to Steve Jobs. They’ve also put up a seperate page in his memory.



Sony Dash for $74.99 (63% off) at Amazon

Posted by Scott Mahan on June 23, 2011 in News, Technology |

Through their colleagues at Woot, Amazon is offering as today’s Gold Box Deal of the Day Sony’s Dash, which is similar to the Chumby, for only $74.99. This is 63% off their normal price of $199.99. But if you look further, $199.99 is the retail price. You can buy it direct from Amazon for $99.95, […]


Waterfield Bags introduces Nintendo 3DS Cases

Posted by Scott Mahan on April 12, 2011 in News, Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, Technology |

If you’ve ever owned a case made by Waterfield and you own a Nintendo 3DS, then you are already heading over to their website. If Waterfield is news to you, then listen up. Waterfield makes cases/bags for most electronic equipment. I personally own several of their products. In fact, I own both their Nintendo DS […]

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Waiting for a reason to post

Posted by Scott Mahan on March 3, 2011 in General |

It’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog.  Part of it has been personal reasons, but it’s mostly because I have lost my connections for review/evaluation units and I no longer have the disposable income to buy everything that I want and deserves a good review. I’m working on re-connecting with manufacturers in the […]


Review – Nintendo DSi XL

Posted by Scott Mahan on July 1, 2010 in Gaming, Nintendo, Reviews |

The Nintendo DSi XL has been out for a while and there have been many reviews and opinions about it.  Many have complained that it is too big (aka not portable).  This review will give you the point of few from a 40+ year old, long time gamer. OK, so I’ve said I’m over 40 […]


From Brief to Beat – Cali Lewis now hosting GeekBeat.TV

Posted by Scott Mahan on June 30, 2010 in News, Technology |

Fans of GeekBrief.TV can now find Cali Lewis on GeekBeat.TV.  GeakBeat.TV is hosted by Revision3.  While I could go on and on about both Cali and the show, I’ll let you check it out for yourself. Be sure to subscribe to the new show and let Cali know that we love her (in a purely […]


Should I buy an iPhone 4?

Posted by Scott Mahan on June 30, 2010 in Apple, iPhone |

As with most iPhone 3GS owners, I am eligible to upgrade.  But should I?  With IOS 4 running on my iPhone 3GS, I am quite happy.  And I love my Tom Tom GPS dock, which isn’t compatible with the iPhone 4.  And tonight I read a strong rumor that Verizon Wireless will be launching the […]

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