R.I.P. Steve Jobs – October 5, 2011

Posted by Scott Mahan on October 5, 2011 in News, Technology |

The technology sector and many Apple enthusiasts are in mourning today as Apple announced the passing of co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs. There’s not much more I can say. Apple has changed their homepage to a memorial to Steve Jobs. They’ve also put up a seperate page in his memory.



Sony Dash for $74.99 (63% off) at Amazon

Posted by Scott Mahan on June 23, 2011 in News, Technology |

Through their colleagues at Woot, Amazon is offering as today’s Gold Box Deal of the Day Sony’s Dash, which is similar to the Chumby, for only $74.99. This is 63% off their normal price of $199.99. But if you look further, $199.99 is the retail price. You can buy it direct from Amazon for $99.95, […]


Waterfield Bags introduces Nintendo 3DS Cases

Posted by Scott Mahan on April 12, 2011 in News, Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, Technology |

If you’ve ever owned a case made by Waterfield and you own a Nintendo 3DS, then you are already heading over to their website. If Waterfield is news to you, then listen up. Waterfield makes cases/bags for most electronic equipment. I personally own several of their products. In fact, I own both their Nintendo DS […]

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From Brief to Beat – Cali Lewis now hosting GeekBeat.TV

Posted by Scott Mahan on June 30, 2010 in News, Technology |

Fans of GeekBrief.TV can now find Cali Lewis on GeekBeat.TV.  GeakBeat.TV is hosted by Revision3.  While I could go on and on about both Cali and the show, I’ll let you check it out for yourself. Be sure to subscribe to the new show and let Cali know that we love her (in a purely […]


Nintendo officially announces the Nintendo 3DS

Posted by Scott Mahan on March 23, 2010 in Gaming, News, Nintendo |

March 23, 2010 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Launch of New Portable Game Machine Nintendo Co., Ltd.(Minami-ward of Kyoto-city, President Satoru Iwata) will launch “N intendo 3D S”(temp) during the fiscal year ending March 2011, on which games can be enjoyed with 3D effects without the need for any special glasses. “Nintendo 3DS”(temp) is […]


News: iTunes sales top 3 billion songs

Posted by Scott Mahan on July 31, 2007 in Apple, News |

The iTunes Store, which debuted on April 28, 2003, has sold its 3 billionth song. Eddy Cue, Apple’s vice president of iTunes, is quoted as saying “we’d like to thank all of our customers who have contributed to this incredible milestone.” It took Apple almost 3 years to sell the 1st billion, less than 1 […]


News: iPhone now ships within 24 hours

Posted by Scott Mahan on July 31, 2007 in iPhone, News |

Yesterday, The Apple Store went down for a short while. What was the big news? Apple is now shipping the iPhone within 24 hours. So if you haven’t gotten yours already, the wait will be even shorter.


News: Bejeweled for the iPhone

Posted by Scott Mahan on July 31, 2007 in iPhone, News, Reviews |

Yesterday, PopCap Games released a free iPhone version of Bejeweled. How does it play? Depending on your access (Edge vs WiFi), it takes about a minute to download. Once you start playing, it flows well. Is it as good as a local version of Bejeweled on a Treo, no. The animation isn’t as smooth and […]

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