I should be programming

Posted by Scott Mahan on February 11, 2010 in Apple, General, iPhone |

An old friend of mine, Ron, responded to one of my Facebook updates by saying “Are you writing some iPhone apps during this time?”.  That’s a damn good question.  I’ve been doing a lot of reading on Program/Project Management in hopes of landing a PM job with Microsoft, but so far that hasn’t panned out.  I’ve been considering expanding my knowledge base beyond that, but didn’t know what to concentrate on.  As an avid iPhone user, I can’t believe that Ron had to point out the obvious to me.  Well, after this post, I am going to signup for the iPhone SDK and hopefully have my “Hello World” app written in no time.

Thanks Ron!  You seem to be the angel of reason on my shoulder.

1 Comment

  • laurenbabis says:

    Perfection! The best way to stay in the game is to always be doing something. That way when your interviewer asks “What have you been doing with yourself during this time?” You come back with blah bl-blah bl-blah blah blah… and fill up five minutes. Waaaaay more impressive than “um, applying for jobs on monster.”

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