Should I buy an iPhone 4?

Posted by Scott Mahan on June 30, 2010 in Apple, iPhone |

As with most iPhone 3GS owners, I am eligible to upgrade.  But should I?  With IOS 4 running on my iPhone 3GS, I am quite happy.  And I love my Tom Tom GPS dock, which isn’t compatible with the iPhone 4.  And tonight I read a strong rumor that Verizon Wireless will be launching the iPhone in January 2011.  Trust me, the Retina Display, higher resolution camera, camera flash, and 512MB RAM are attractive, but are they enough?

Well, for now, I am waiting patiently.  I’m still unemployed, so dropping $300 on a gadget weighs a little heavier than it used to.  And I still have a strong feeling that if Verizon launches an iPhone, it will be a 32GB model and AT&T will show their trump card, a 64GB iPhone 4.

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